

1. 英语作文素材有哪些app

As having mentioned above , I have been thinking about the ideal life on campus .Some famous people had describe it for all of us ,an ideal campus should be such place for contemplation and inspiration , the enthusia *** for knowledge can get us out of bed early in the morning and stay up late at night .With pluralistic culture ,we should be changed greatly ,we may found the way we think , the prejudices are challenged ,and in the campus ,we could learn how to learn, I think all these are needed in an ideal campus .。

2. 英文介绍你最喜欢的一个app,英语作文100词

Nowdays,there many apps on our *** artphone,them help us to deal with the problem we met in daily life.Take myself as an example:my fovorite app is baidizhidao.When I was troubled by some problmes,I always tend to *** art people on baiduzhidao for help.It"s a really useful app.

in my spare time,I also will tap the logo on my cellphone to check if there are any one I can use my limited knowledge to help.It"s really nice to share your idea and opinion with others

3. 有哪些阅读英语文章的app

您可以尝试使用有道e读、扇贝阅读、Zo Reader、爱洋葱和各大英文网站的应用,这些APP提供的英文文章资源和阅读体验都不错。以下是详尽介绍:



3、Zo Reader,这是一款阅读器软件,可以导入词典文件实现各种网络词典和牛津朗文的翻译词库,在阅读英文原文的时候就可以使用即点即译功能;



4. 想要写英语作文要软件

One day morning, Luo Ming got up to school very late,then she wanted to ride her bike to school, unfortunately she found her bicycle is out of order, so she had to fix the bicycle. After that, she rushed to the schoolquickly. She realised today is Sunday, no one at school. When she came back, she found an old friend who came to her house to visit her,then they chatted for a long time and say goodbye until anfternoon.At 5"clock,she recieved a phone from her father that he was so busy that he can"t go home. At the same time,her mother be on business, so Luo Ming went to grandparent"s house to have a dinner.After the dinner,she went home to watch television until 10:00, then she go to bed。

5. 想要写英语作文要软件

One day morning, Luo Ming got up to school very late,then she wanted to ride her bike to school, unfortunately she found her bicycle is out of order, so she had to fix the bicycle. After that, she rushed to the schoolquickly. She realised today is Sunday, no one at school. When she came back, she found an old friend who came to her house to visit her,then they chatted for a long time and say goodbye until anfternoon.At 5"clock,she recieved a phone from her father that he was so busy that he can"t go home. At the same time,her mother be on business, so Luo Ming went to grandparent"s house to have a dinner.After the dinner,she went home to watch television until 10:00, then she go to bed.。

6. 关于高中生写英语作文的软件有哪些

I think a true friend can share your happiness and sad.You can talk everything with each other.When one of you make a mistake,the other one can point out it.When you feel sad, you can cry on your friends" shoulders.

If you want to make more true friends,you need treat others sincerely.Everyone is willing to regard honest,kind people as th
